
Cyber Security

Protecting Targets with a Proven Product Portfolio, Thriving in Uncertainty

360° Protects against the risk of uncertainty


Resilience through visibility

Get more context with X-Well, reducing analyst effort by as much as 90 percent per incident.


Resilience through intelligence

Join forces with Cisco Talos, the world's largest commercial threat intelligence network.


Resilience through ubiquity

Authenticate users from any device, from any location—ideal for hybrid and remote work.


Resilience through partnership

Integrate hundreds of third-party solutions to keep your alerts in one platform.

Wise X -Well Secure Products​

Network Security Assurance:

The FX market is a global financial market involving substantial monetary transactions and trading information. Wise Secure offers robust network security solutions that can help protect businesses from risks of cyberattacks and data breaches.

Data Protection:

Forex trading involves a lot of sensitive data, including client information, transaction records, and financial data. Wise Secure's data protection solutions can help ensure the security and integrity of this data.

Compliance Requirements:

The financial industry is often subject to strict regulatory and compliance requirements. Using Wise Secure products can help forex brokerage firms adhere to various international and regional data protection and cybersecurity regulations.

Why you need protection

Forex brokerage firms might choose to use Wise X-Wall Secure products for the following reasons:

X-Wall Product

How does Wise X-Wall secure the cloud

Securing the public cloud is an increasingly difficult challenge for businesses. As a result, IT departments are searching for a cloud-delivered security solution that provides sufficient end-user security.

Wise X-Wall Cloud Security products extend protection to all aspects of your business. X-Wall Umbrella helps secure cloud access, and X-Wall Cloudlock safeguards the use of SaaS applications. 

X-Wall Product
Protecting Broker Assets

Security solutions for networking, data center, cloud, and collaboration are integrated through our X-Wall platform and interoperable with third-party products:


Improve security with intelligent control points, unified, dynamic policies, and threat visibility.

Secure web gateway

Effectively protect your users everywhere in minutes with fast, flexible, cloud-delivered security.

VPN and remote access

Empower your remote workers with frictionless, highly secure access from anywhere at any time.

Multi-factor authentication

Gain complete device visibility and trust to safeguard all users, devices, and applications anywhere.

DDoS protection

Defend against attacks that flood your network with traffic, impacting access to apps and business-critical services.

Vulnerability management

Cut costs, save time, and keep your teams focused on reducing the biggest risks to your business.

Contact us

Partner with Us for Comprehensive IT

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

Your benefits:
What happens next?

We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meting 


We prepare a proposal 

Schedule a Free Consultation