Web app development services

Enough with conventional solutions. WiseTech software developers have a sophisticated and nuanced understanding of how a grade-A web application can transform a business’s operations, profitability, and scale.


Our web development services

No matter who you are or where you are in your trajectory, we aim to bring your vision to life and help you scale — in harmony with your in-house talent or as a dedicated team of specialists. Our partnerships are built to optimize your resources — and ambitions.

UI/UX design

Our dedicated UI/UX professionals create visually compelling web app experiences that are streamlined and engaging so they attract and retain users.

Frontend development

Working in tandem with UI/UX teams, our devs rely on both mainstream and specialized technologies to ensure that your app’s frontend is intuitive and seamless — and that it reflects your brand.

Backend development

Whether the web app is on-premise, cloud-based, or serverless, our senior-level developers build secure and scalable backend solutions that deliver powerful data processing.

Integration services

We build and implement a range of customized, business-critical integrations that simultaneously enhance your web app’s functionality and respond to evolving customer demands.

QA and testing

Robust testing isn’t a standalone activity, but rather one that applies across every stage of the development cycle and ensures that your app performs optimally at any given moment.

Modernization and refinement

Our team can upgrade your legacy application to make it more efficient and resilient, freeing up valuable resources that can be redirected toward other revenue-generating activities.

A full stack of web development solutions

Prototypical single-page applications, cloud-based designs, web content management, friction-free ecommerce platforms — we build every type of web-based solution imaginable, all with robust front- and backends.

Web portals

Prototypical single-page applications, cloud-based designs, web content management, friction-free ecommerce platforms — we build every type of web-based solution imaginable, all with robust front- and backends.


We help you maximize your cloud investment by delivering XaaS solutions that enhance performance and security and while decreasing operating costs.


Specialized content management systems not only facilitate web content creation and SEO optimization but also streamline lead generation activities and workflow.


From single-page applications to complex enterprise networks, we create custom websites quickly and reliably — exactly the way you envision them.

How we work and what you get

Prototypical single-page applications, cloud-based designs, web content management, friction-free ecommerce platforms — we build every type of web-based solution imaginable, all with robust front- and backends.


Gathering requirements

Prototypical single-page applications, cloud-based designs, web content management, friction-free ecommerce platforms — we build every type of web-based solution imaginable, all with robust front- and backends.



We start with sketches that capture your app’s look and feel. With your users’ needs front and center, we design eye-catching, intuitive interfaces that reinforce your brand, build loyalty, and drive growth.



Theory translates into practice when we build the solution and its systems, security protocols, permissions, integrations, and features.



An array of tests ensure that your solution is stable and secure. We generally use real devices rather than emulators to gather and analyze feedback from test users.


Support and maintenance

Innovation has no finish line. After we deliver the solution, we’re still at your disposal for updates and scheduled maintenance.

Rich experience in diverse industries


Our fintech apps are not only secure and stable, but have strong UI/UX so the end user can navigate them easily.

FX Broker

WiseTech's FX Broker Web Development provides tailored, secure, and scalable web solutions for forex brokers, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency.

Prime Broker

WiseTech's Prime Broker Web Development delivers secure, scalable, and seamlessly integrated solutions, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency for prime brokers.

CRM System

Opting for WiseTech's CRM Web Development ensures advanced integration, tailored solutions for specific business needs, and robust security and support.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Get in touch today and receive a complimentary consultation.